Professional Convention Photography

Pictures are instant language in a fast moving world.

Hire an industry professional.




Orange County Conventionn Center Orlando fl.


For Convention Photography with 20 yrs. of experience for regional conferences and non-profits, I`m on call throughout your convention. You will have complete coverage for all your Convention Photography activities and speakers. An unlimited number of photographs are taken and you receive all pictures taken. Afterwards you can download and print photographs of your choosing in Dropbox or a choose your own location or delivery. The turn around time for pictures is fast, usually less than a week to next day.


You can send Convention photos to your affiliates or others in your organization. Digital Images and every picture taken is given special attention because digital images often require some treatment in creating a clear representation for your organization. You will receive high resolution images with professional photo-shopping along with a low resolution copy for fast uploading to websites including ownership of all pictures done.


       To Book your convention photography please provide the following information in an email if you prefer.                                                                           


      ~Your date and location of your convention or conference.                                                                                                                     

      ~ How many hours you will need a photographer.                                                                                                                                      

      ~Approximate number in attendance.                                                                                                                                                         

       A contact form is provided on the website or email me at:                                                                                  

       Thank you. -sincerely, Jacque


convention & conference photography orlando, fl. orange county convention center orlando fl


convention photographers orlando fl

CONVENTION PORTRAITS, speakers at a convention, orlando fl


convention exhibit hall, orange county convention center orlando fl


speakers at conventions orlando fl, venues at orange county convention center orlando fl

Hilton Bonnet Creek conventions, Marroitt Hotel orlando fl concention photography

convention pictures orlando fl., orange county convention center orlando fl



speakers at convention, ornage county convention center. orlando fl. non-profit convention photographers, orlando fl

Convention photographers orando, Fl Lifestyle photographers Orlando Fl

convention display rooms, orlando fl. convention exhibits orlando fl, exhibit rooms conventions orlando fl

orange county convention photograhers, orlando fl    


Non-Profit Convention Photography is special as the Non-Profit is fighting to advance a cure for a disease,protect the enviornment and help many others in advancing their causes and special missions and for that they need quality photography in marketing that mission to the world. Photography is how Non-Profits present themselves to the world and especially today in a fast moving world, pictures are instant language.


Non-Profit photography at Convention and Conferences are given special care working with organizational needs for any individuals at the convention or conference. The pictures below represent the diverse imagery and styles of non-profit organizations events and photography today.

 Down`s Syndrome fashion show at Bloomingdale`s, Orlando FL.

non-profits orlando fl. pictures non-profit events orlando fl., photograhers for non-profit organizations orlando fl


non profit conventions orlando fl. photographers for non-profits orlando fl

photograhers for non-profits, orlando fl.


photograpghers for non-profits orlando,fl.

hemophilia B convention, non-profit convention orlando fl. photographers

                                                                  Hemophilia convention, Orlando.Fl.Non profit photographers, Orlando fl
   Negro Spiritual Scholarship Foundation, Orlando,Fl.

event photographers orlando fl, convention photographers orlando fl

non-profit photographers, orlando, fl.