PHOTOGRAPHY TODAY    

                                                             Photography for the digital revolution we live in today.

Photography Today as art and modern imagery brings you to a new place through powerful and beautiful pictures, a place you want to be. There is a strength and beauty in pictures that refreshes you and gives you hope for futures yet unexplored. Visitors to ask, how did you do that? I say with imagination, patience, creative ideas, working with models and support staff and adding stock photography to create a convincing picture. In turn recalling the purpose they were intended for that takes you to their source for commercial or individual needs. 

Stock photography added in to a photo will create imaginative visual images for the digital revolution we live in today ot stop the viewer`s eye and connect them to the company. There is an availability of ideas and imagery also that circulates on the internet and in social media and provides us with a rich base of ideas to use. The main ingredient is imagination and the key to a new creation and fresher imagery for marketing. 

Experiences & Creation

Time and patience are important in developing modern forward images and marketing pictures. My own experiences with photojournalism both local and overseas, with models, corporate portraits, magazine features, and other areas in photography provided for me a wealth of ideas to chose from for creating some of the photos seen on 

This creative photography today includes street styled fashion images, casual to rugged looks with mixed styles on a model and are often seen in high end fashion advertising. Some forward designs in contemporary photography are seen in many well known companies like Chanel, Prada and others, as art needs to refresh itself to stay alive, to be vibrant and awaken viewers to new to new ideas for marketing needs. 

Inspirational looks

Fashion is in touch with the younger crowd and with everyday wear in street looks and more traditional ones. Viewed in, these ads seek to inspire the viewer to dream and that is the purpose of fashion and creative commercial photography today. I hope you enjoy viewing the pictures on the website and contact us for your photography need upadate. Thank you. -Sincerely, Jacque Bruni

fashion photographers orlando fl, commercial photographers orlando fl.