Lifestyle Photography

WE tv studio stills done at Full Sail University of presenter with products used in a tv show. 



Photography coordinated with a stylist, studio lighting, costume designer, make-up & hair person, white-out background. Camera angle style of picture chosen by me with a combination of wider and compressed views useful for on-line or print media due to space for print matter. My background is in photojournalism, commercial products, studio photography, lifestyle photography for Central Florida and Orlando magazines and others with a lot of coordinating with people for support and deadlines.

I`m experienced in photojournalism locally and overseas, also in film and development. Today work in digital photography.Know how to work with editors, writers, designers and have done so as a freelance photographer for over 20 yrs. The best experience of overall is in photojournalism as you learn how to work on location in different areas, work fast and communicate with others toward the end to produce the final pictures needed.